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Oil spill in Mauritius

An oil carrier vessel ran aground on a coral reef in the Indian Ocean on 25 July and began leaking oil into waters off the island of Mauritius.

The MV Wakashio was stranded close to Pointe d'Esny, an area of wetland recognised by UNESCO as a protected site. The vessel was trapped on the coral reef and the side of the vessel was breached.

Helicopters have removed the ships crew and began removing some of the 4000 tonnes of fuel and oil from the ship, though it is thought that 1000 tonnes of oil has already leaked into the sea.

Local authorities and hundreds of volunteers have scrambled to help with the clean-up and protect the local beaches and coral reefs.

The Mauritian Prime Minister declared a state of emergency and appealed for help. France and Japan have deployed teams with pollution control equipment. Bad weather is forecast in the coming days which is predicted to make the clean-up efforts more difficult.

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Тип события:Oil Spill
Место события:Mauritius
Date of Charter Activation:2020-08-08
Время активации Хартии:16:59
TЧасовой пояс в районе активации Хартии:UTC+02:00
Запрос на активацию поступил от:UNITAR on behalf of UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), and Centre Opérationnel de Gestion Interministérielle des Crises (COGIC)
Номер активации:666
Менеждер проекта от:UNITAR/UNOSAT


Oil spill in Mauritius - Delineation map Monitoring 03

Авторские права: Includes Pleiades material © CNES (2020), Distribution Airbus DS.
Map produced by SERTIT

Information about the Product

Получено: 08/09/2020

Источник: Pleiades

Oil spill extent Delineation Map, Mauritius

Авторские права: Includes Pleiades material © CNES (2020), Distribution Airbus DS.
Map produced by SERTIT

Information about the Product

Получено: 27/08/2020

Источник: Pleiades

Oil spill in Mauritius - Delineation Map Monitoring 01

Авторские права: Includes Pleiades material © CNES (2020), Distribution Airbus DS.
Map produced by SERTIT

Information about the Product

Получено: 16/08/2020

Источник: Pleiades

Oil spill in Mauritius - Delineation Map

Авторские права: Includes Pleiades material © CNES (2020), Distribution Airbus DS.
Map produced by SERTIT

Information about the Product

Получено: 14/08/2020

Источник: Pleiades

Analysis of the oil spill in Mauritius

Download the full report

Авторские права: WorldView © (2020) DigitalGlobe, Inc., Longmont CO USA 80503. DigitalGlobe and the DigitalGlobe logos are trademarks of DigitalGlobe, Inc. The use and/or dissemination of this data and/or of any product in any way derived there from are restricted. Unauthorized use and/or dissemination is prohibited.
Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2020)
ALOS-2 © JAXA (2020)
GeoEye-1 © 2004 GeoEye NextView License
Report produced by NOAA

Information about the Product

Получено: WorldView-3: 13/08/2020 and 07/08/2020
WorldView-2: 09/08/2020
Sentinel-2: 11/08/2020
ALOS-2: 13/08/2020
GeoEye-1: 12/08/2020 and 15/08/2020

Источник: WorldView-3 / WorldView-2 / Sentinel-2 / ALOS-2 / GeoEye-1

Satellite detected potential oil extent, Grand Port Bay, Mauritius

Авторские права: © DLR e.V. (2020), Distribution Airbus DS Geo GmbH
Map produced by UNITAR/UNOSAT

Information about the Product

Получено: 15/08/2020

Источник: TerraSAR-X

Satellite detected potential floating oil extent as of 13 August 2020 in Grand Port Bay, Republic of Mauritius

Авторские права: © JAXA (2020)
Map produced by UNOSAT

Information about the Product

Получено: 13/08/2020

Источник: ALOS-2

Preliminary satellite based oil spill assessment, Grand Port Bay, Republic of Mauritius

Download the full report

Авторские права: Includes Pleiades material © CNES (2020), Distribution Airbus DS.
GeoEye-1 © 2004 GeoEye NextView License
Map prepared by UNOSAT

Information about the Product

Получено: Pleiades:11/08/2020, 12/08/2020
GeoEye-1: 01/08/2020

Источник: Pleiades / GeoEye-1

Analysis of oil spill in Mauritius

Авторские права: Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2020)
Map produced by NOAA

Information about the Product

Получено: 11/08/2020

Источник: Sentinel-2

Satellite detected potential oil extent in Pointe d'Esny Reef, Republic of Mauritius

Авторские права: © DLR e.V. (2020), Distribution Airbus DS Geo GmbH
Map produced by UNITAR/UNOSAT

Information about the Product

Получено: 10/08/2020

Источник: TerraSAR-X

Preliminary satellite based oil spill assessment, Reef of Pointe d'Esny, Republic of Mauritius

Download full report

Авторские права: Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2020)
Report produced by UNITAR/UNOSAT

Information about the Product

Получено: 06/08/2020

Источник: Sentinel-2

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