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Typhoon Megi in the Philippines

Typhoon Megi (locally named Juan) made landfall as a category 5 typhoon in the mountain range of sierra Madre, Isabella Province, Cagayan region (Region II) at 11:25 am on 18 October 2010. At least 10 people have been killed in the Philippines by the typhoon which hit the north of the country. Communication channels have been cut and access prevented due to stormy weather and roads blocked by small landslides.

Typhoon Megi weakened after landfall and made a West-South-West path across northern Luzon Island at 19km per hour.

Тип события:Typhoon, Floods
Место события:Philippines
Date of Charter Activation:20/10/2010
Запрос на активацию поступил от:UNITAR/UNOSAT
Менеждер проекта от:UNITAR


Typhoon Megi in the Philippines

Авторские права: NSPO, SPOT Image 2010, METI & NASA 2009 - Map produced by UNITAR / UNOSAT

Information about the Product

Получено: 26/10/2010

Источник: FORMOSAT - 2, SPOT-4

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