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Cyclone Gamane in Madagascar

Cyclone Gamane made landfall in Madagascar on 27 March, leaving 18 dead and affecting thousands of people.

The storm was originally forecast to pass by the northern coast of the country, but unexpectedly changed course on 27 March, crossing over Vohémar district in the early hours of the day and continuing across the north-eastern districts of the island. The slow-moving storm dissipated in the afternoon on 28 March.

Gamane brought heavy rain to the northern areas of Madagascar, and strong winds, causing floods and damage to infrastructure. It is estimated that more than 20,000 people were forced from their homes by the storm.

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Тип события:Storm - Cyclone, Floods
Место события:Madagascar
Date of Charter Activation:2024-03-29
Время активации Хартии:13:38
TЧасовой пояс в районе активации Хартии:UTC+03:00
Запрос на активацию поступил от:Bureau National de Gestion des Risques et des Catastrophes (BNGRC)
Номер активации:870
Менеждер проекта от:Battiston Stephanie (SERTIT)
act-value-adders:Teodoro Hunger (UNITAR/UNOSAT)
Konstantin Homenkov (Geoniformation systems)
Dalia Laoubi (CSA)
Camila Gonçalves dos Santos (UFRRJ)


Areas affected by flooding located between the municipalities of Fanambana, Morafeno and Manambe

Авторские права: © INPE (2024)
Map produced by UFRRJ

Information about the Product

Получено: 04/04/2024

Источник: CBERS-4

Категория: Reference Map

Areas affected by floods in Madagascar

Авторские права: RADARSAT Constellation Mission Imagery © Government of Canada (2024) - RADARSAT is an official mark of the Canadian Space Agency
Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2024)
Map produced by The Canadian Space Agency

Information about the Product

Получено: Sentinel-1: 24/03/2024
RCM-3: 30/03/2024

Источник: RCM and Sentinel

Категория: Delineation Map

Area affected by landslides located between the municipalities of Amboditsoha, Ambohiby and Ankiweb, Madagascar

Авторские права: INPE (2024)

Information about the Product

Получено: 04/04/2024

Источник: CBERS-4

Категория: Reference Map

NOAA downscaled flood depth product over Analovana region

Авторские права: NOAA/NPP-N20-N21
Map produced by SSEC

Information about the Product

Получено: 01/04/2024

Источник: NOAA

Категория: Delineation Map

Preliminary satellite-derived flood assessment, Ambanja District, Diana Region, Madagascar
Download the full report

Авторские права: © (2024) DigitalGlobe, Inc., Longmont CO USA 80503. DigitalGlobe and the DigitalGlobe logos are trademarks of DigitalGlobe, Inc. The use and/or dissemination of this data and/or of any product in any way derived there from are restricted. Unauthorized use and/or dissemination is prohibited.
Report produced by UNITAR / UNOSAT

Information about the Product

Получено: 04/04/2024

Источник: WorldView-2

Категория: Reference Map

Impact map - West Ampisikanana West, Madagasar

Авторские права: Includes Pleiades material © CNES (2024), Distribution Airbus DS.
Map produced by ICube-SERTIT

Information about the Product

Получено: 02/04/2024

Источник: Pleiades

Категория: Grading Map

Impact map - East Ampisikanana, Madagascar

Авторские права: Includes Pleiades material © CNES (2024), Distribution Airbus DS.
Map produced by ICube-SERTIT

Information about the Product

Получено: 02/04/2024

Источник: Pleiades

Категория: Grading Map

Flood impact in Anivorano, Madagascar (AOI ID:1)

Авторские права: Landsat data and products © NASA/USGS (2023 & 2024) - All Rights Reserved
Map produced by Geoinformation Systems

Information about the Product

Получено: Landsat 8: 04/04/2024
Landsat 9: 28/05/2023

Источник: Landsat 8 and Landsat 9

Категория: Delineation Map

Satellite detected water extent over Sambava and Vohemar Districts, Sava Region, Madagascar

Авторские права: © DLR e.V. (2024), Distribution Airbus DS Geo GmbH
Map produced by UNITAR/ UNOSAT

Information about the Product

Получено: 01/04/2024

Источник: TanDEM-X

Категория: Delineation Map

Impact map- Anjanazana East, Madagascar

Авторские права: Includes Pleiades material © CNES (2024), Distribution Airbus DS.
Map produced by ICube-SERTIT

Information about the Product

Получено: 31/03/2024

Источник: Pleiades

Категория: Grading Map

Impact map - Anjanazana West, Madagascar

Авторские права: Includes Pleiades material © CNES (2024), Distribution Airbus DS.
Map produced by ICube-SERTIT

Information about the Product

Получено: 31/03/2024

Источник: Pleiades

Категория: Grading Map

Possible affected croplands, Marivorahona (AOI ID:12), Ambilobe (AOI ID:15)

Авторские права: Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2024)
Map produced by Geoinformation Systems

Information about the Product

Получено: 29/03/2024 / 17/03/2024

Источник: Sentinel-1

Категория: Grading Map

Preliminary satellite-derived flood assessment, Sava & Sofia Regions, Madagascar

Download the full report

Авторские права: PlanetScope © Planet Labs Inc. (2024)
WorldView-3 © (2024) DigitalGlobe, Inc., Longmont CO USA 80503. DigitalGlobe and the DigitalGlobe logos are trademarks of DigitalGlobe, Inc. The use and/or dissemination of this data and/or of any product in any way derived there from are restricted. Unauthorized use and/or dissemination is prohibited.
Report produced by UNITAR / UNOSAT

Information about the Product

Получено: PlanetScope: 31/03/2024, 01/04/2024
WorldView-3: 31/03/2024

Источник: PlanetScope / WorldView-3

Категория: Reference Map

Flood situation in Marivorahona and Ambilobe

Авторские права: Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2024)
Map produced by Geoinformation Systems

Information about the Product

Получено: 17/03/2024, 29/03/2024

Источник: Sentinel-1

Категория: Reference Map

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