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Landslide in Myanmar

A landslide has killed more than 170 people in the Hpakant Township, Kachin State of Myanmar after a Jade mine wall collapsed into a lake. Heavy rains had filled the mines with water making them extremely dangerous and prone to collapse.

Myanmar Fire Department reported 162 bodies had been recovered and another 54 people had been taken to hospital. The death toll is expected to rise in the following days as operations to recover bodies continue.

Rescue operations have been hampered by heavy rainfall which is forecast to continue over the coming days.

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Tipo de evento:Landslide
Local do evento:Myanmar
Data da Ativação da Carta:2020-07-03
Tempo de Ativação da Carta:13:40
Zona de Tempo da Ativação da Carta:UTC+02:00
Requisitante da Carta:DDM Ministry of Social Welfare, Myanmar
ID da Ativação:656
Gerenciamento de projeto:ICIMOD


Jade mine Landslide, Hpakant area, Kachin state, Myanmar

Direitos autorais: © DLR e.V. (2017), Distribution Airbus DS Geo GmbH
Map produced by ICIMOD

Information about the Product

Adquirida: TanDEM-X: 16/03/2017
TerraSAR-X: 08/07/2020

Fonte: TanDEM-X / TerraSAR-X

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