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Flood and landslide in Vargas y Sucre, Venezuela

Days of torrential rain have brought widespread flooding to Venezuela, destroying thousands of homes and killing at least 21 people.

A state of emergency has been declared in four states, including the capital, Carcas. Many of the deaths occurred in poor areas of the capital, where landslides have swept away houses built on steep hillsides. The government says at least 5,600 people have been left homeless.

Flights have been disrupted at the main international airport and the road linking it to Carcas has been cut by landslides. Worst hit have been the coastal states of Falcon, Miranda and Vargas, as well as the capital district of Carcas.

Thousands of people are living in temporary shelters, including schools, universities and army barracks.

Tipo de evento:Floods, Landslide
Local do evento:Venezuela
Data da Ativação da Carta:01/12/2010
Requisitante da Carta:SIFEM (Sistema Federal de Emergencias)
Gerenciamento de projeto:CENAPRAD (Civil Protection and Disaster Management National Agency of Venezuela)


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