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Derrame de petróleo en el Golfo de Adén

An explosion damaged the French supertanker "Limburg" off the coast of Yemen on October 6, 2002, causing it to catch fire and leak oil into the Gulf of Aden.

A preliminary inquiry was opened by the antiterrorist section of the parquet (public prosecutor's department) of Paris and entrusted to the Directorate of Territorial Security (DST - French counter-intelligence).

The explosion occurred as the tanker was preparing to enter the port of Mina al-Dabah, located 30 km from the city of Al Mukalla, where it was supposed to load some crude oil. The ship had already loaded nearly 400,000 barrels of crude oil in Saudi Arabia.

Type of Event:Derrame de petróleo
Location of Event:Golfo de Adén
Date of Charter Activation:October 8, 2002
Charter Requestor:European Commission, Civil Protection Unit
Project Management:ESA


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