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Charter activations

Hurricane Maria in the Dominican Republic

Hurricane Maria brought heavy rain and strong winds to the Dominican Republic as it continued its course through the Caribbean. The storm passed by the northeast coast of the Dominican Republic at Category Three strength, and caused flooding and landslides.

As it struck the eastern parts of the Dominican Republic the storm was at Category Three strength.

At least two people were killed and it is estimated that 110 homes were destroyed by the storm and hundreds more suffered at least some damage. 10,000 people were forced to evacuate their homes and many of those are currently housed in emergency shelters.

Тип события:Ocean Storm - Hurricane
Место события:Dominican Republic
Date of Charter Activation:2017-09-19
Время активации Хартии:11:00
TЧасовой пояс в районе активации Хартии:UTC+02:00
Запрос на активацию поступил от:Comisión Nacional de Emergencias CNE
Номер активации:556
Менеждер проекта от:Equipo Interinstitucional de Información Geoespacial (EIGEO)


Areas flooded in Bajo Yuna

Авторские права: RADARSAT-2 Data and Products © MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd. (2017) - All Rights Reserved. RADARSAT is an official trademark of the Canadian Space Agency.
Map produced by EIGEO

Information about the Product

Получено: 26/09/2017

Источник: RADARSAT-2

Areas flooded in Bajo Yuna

Авторские права: RADARSAT-2 Data and Products © MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd. (2017) - All Rights Reserved. RADARSAT is an official trademark of the Canadian Space Agency.
Map produced by EIGEO

Information about the Product

Получено: 24/09/2017

Источник: RADARSAT-2

Ground saturation in eastern Cibao

Авторские права: Sentinel-1 © Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2017)
Map produced by EIGEO

Information about the Product

Получено: Pre-disaster: 26/08/2017
Post-disaster: 19/09/2017

Источник: Sentinel-1

Ground saturation in Bajo Yuna

Авторские права: Sentinel-1 © Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2017)
Map produced by EIGEO

Information about the Product

Получено: Pre-disaster: 26/08/2017
Post-disaster: 19/09/2017

Источник: Sentinel-1

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