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Earthquake in Guatemala

At least 52 people have been killed after a 7.4 magnitude tremor hit Guatemala, San Macos region, on Wednesday. Several people have been injured and thousands are left without power.

Aftershocks continued into the night causing people to flee their homes and buildings. Many residents camped outside their homes, wrapped in blankets. San Marco has been the most affected where more than 30 buildings were destroyed and 40 deaths were confirmed.

Rescue operations are under way; Panama, El Salvador and Honduras have offered to help with the rescue operation. 2000 soldiers have joined the rescue operation teams offering to help find any survivors.

This is the most powerful earthquake to hit Guatemala since 1976. President Otto Perez Molina has declared three days of mourning after visiting the affected areas.

Тип события:Earthquake
Место события:Guatemala
Date of Charter Activation:08 November 2012
Запрос на активацию поступил от:SIFEM on behalf of SE-CONRED
Менеждер проекта от:CONRED


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