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Charter activations

Cyclone Harold in Tonga

Tropical Cyclone Harold continued its destructive path by hitting the island of Tonga. Harold had previously tracked across Vanuatu and Fiji. The island of Tonga declared a state of emergency and warned residents to take shelter.

Cyclone Harold gained strength after passing across Fiji hitting Tonga as a category 5 storm with wind speeds of over 150mph.

Power has been cut in parts of Tonga and several tourist areas have been completely destroyed. The Red Cross Vanuatu Secretary-General reported that many buildings and crops have been destroyed and some people in the most-affected areas have lost everything.

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused problems with relief efforts as Vanuatu, Fiji and Tonga are reluctant to open borders which could compromise coronavirus containment efforts.

Type of Event:Cyclone
Location of Event:Tonga
Date of Charter Activation:2020-04-09
Time of Charter Activation:21:51
Time zone of Charter Activation:UTC+02:00
Charter Requestor:UNITAR on behalf of United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) | Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP))
Activation ID:649
Project Management:UNITAR/UNOSAT


Preliminary Satellie Derived Damage Assessement, Tonga
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Copyright: Includes Pleiades material © CNES (2020), Distribution Airbus DS.
Report produced by UNITAR/UNOSAT

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Acquired: Pleiades: 10/04/2020 and 12/04/2020

Source: Pleiades

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