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Charter activations

Ubinas volcano in Peru

Peru declared a state of emergency for the areas surrounding the Ubinas volcano as explosions sent up a column of ash 3 miles high. The ash cloud has since drifted over 16 miles spreading ash and toxic gas.

Peru's National Emergency Operations Center (COEN) reported that around 30,000 people had been affected with ash falling on villages, schools and health centres. Evacuations have taken place to move 1000 people to shelters.

People living further away from the volcano have been given masks and goggles for protection.

The Geophysical Institute of Peru (IGP) issued an ongoing warning as further emissions from the volcano are possible.

Type of Event:Volcano
Location of Event:Peru
Date of Charter Activation:2019-07-20
Time of Charter Activation:18:57
Time zone of Charter Activation:UTC+02:00
Charter Requestor:INDECI
Activation ID:613
Project Management:CONIDA


Change detection analysis, Ubinas Volcano, Peru

Copyright: TerraSAR-X © DLR e. V. 2018, Distribution: Airbus DS Geo GmbH
PeruSat-1 © CONIDA (2019)
Map produced by CONIDA

Information about the Product

Acquired: TerraSAR-X: 19/07/2019 and 21/07/2019
PeruSat-1: 25/07/2019

Source: TerraSAR-X / PeruSat-1

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